Term 3 - And We're Off!Great to see so many jumping straight back into training after the break! Let us know if you need to change or try another day - spaces still available in some classes.
Apr 8 - Jun 28 (can't believe we're almost back to Summer already!) TERM 3 - Click Here Easter Camp!
Thanks to everyone who got involved with the Easter Camp, it was a great blast of energy before a week off for many. Was really nice to see some of our older athletes helping and teaching some of the younger ones. Well done everyone!
Youth Athlete Of The Month
Get Your Trisuits on!The Aquathlon, Duathlon, and Triathlon races in HK will be in full swing very shortly - look, feel, and race your best in our 26 Trisuits! Plenty of colours to choose from with sizes for both Youth and Adult athletes - add your name to personalise your suit just for you! Jump on our dedicated Champion System merchandise site to check them out!
Click here for merchandise. Bike Skills @ CIS Is Going StrongMost important part of cycling is having some basic skills to keep you as safe as possible on two wheels! In the sessions we practice gears, braking, balance, co-ordination, turns, and as you can see from the photo - how to cycle in wet conditions! Get involved - CIS on Saturdays 10:30-11:45am. All you need is a bike and a helmet. As long as you can stay on the bike you are welcome!
Online Booking System D'ag Dash Save The DateYou are the first to know! Tentative date for the D'ag Dash 2025 is 18th Sept. Save the date and get training. There are 900m, 1.8km, 5km, and 10km options - distances for everyone!
HKAAA 2024 RegistrationsRegistering under AVOHK is well under way - we have had a couple of great HKAAA already this year. Make sure that you registered so that you don't miss out on entries to track and X country meets! Contact Henry if you haven't registered and want to get involved!
Stronger Every Day!Parachutes has become one of the youth athletes favourite sessions. Building a little more power every time we use them!
Injury Prevention ProgrammesAs part of warm up and core for many of our athletes we routinely incorporate exercises that will benefit everyone during their most important developmental stages.
Putting Bike Skills Into ActionAwesome to see our Youth athletes putting the skills that they learn in our Bike Skills sessions into action during our weekend Disney Brick (Bike + Run) sessions.
Showing Coach How To RunOn the rare occasion the 26 athletes get the chance to go up against coach - he gets taught a lesson in age and the importance of keeping fit every time!
Cycling World Cup - VelodromeIn Hong Kong we're lucky to get world class sporting events on a regular basis. Make sure you keep an eye out and watch when you can. Youth athletes seeing professionals compete against one another can be so inspiring.
Adult ProgrammeOur adult programme is fully up and running. Whether you're looking to get fit or you're seasoned athlete - get involved by contacting us. 10% discount for parents of 26 Youth athletes. Adult programme.
Pros Of Having A Chef On The Team!One of the best things about having a chef in the adult programme is knowing that you can dive into a great breakfast straight after diving into a hard swim session! Thanks Micheal Smith - Check out Moxie for a great breakfast.
Motivational Video - Rise & GrindAn Oldie but a Goldie. One of the unavoidable realities for our Youth and Adult athletes is training in the early AM or late PM before or after school or work. Long days and hard sessions can make for a tough combination. In the end when the results come it's all worth it.
Hit the button to watch! You Can't Perform Without SleepYou can't be a Ferrari without sleep. Sleep is an essential factor that affects our performance and recovery. Take 5 minutes to read just a few basics on why you need to make sure you get enough sleep - Click Here.
Mini T-shirts Still Making AppearancesShow your support for the programme by getting your minis somewhere that all of HK can see them! This time in full view of Kennedy Town!
Big Man - Big/Small Shirt?Matching accessories are in season in March! Look good - feel good in your 26 gear!
Get Back To Two Bottles Early!Let's get into the habit of bringing two bottles to track sessions again, before the temp gets up to the point where we need to. One water, one electrolyte based drink for teenagers and above. Pure water is enough for the younger athletes.
Spot The Sticker26 Stickers have been appearing around HK. If you see one snap a pic and send it to us. We might be having a small competition coming soon.
World Cup TriathlonThe most epic triathlon venue in Hong Kong to date - downtown swim in the harbour and bike and run in downtown Central. Great to see so many athletes in the race - both youth and adults.
Robin Elg 23rd. Long Long Ng 55th. Oscar Coggins 2nd. Tallulah Wright 3rd + Cade Wright 4th. Petra Stamenovic 3rd. Nicole Chau 1st + Christy Cheung 3rd. Oliver Haas 14th. Natalie Kwan 1st. Cyril Gomez 4th. Supha Ramabutr 8th. James Smith 13th. Shu Pu 5th. Lobo Lee 2nd. Alban Modiano 11th. Sarah Modiano 1st. Relays: Henry Wright, Michael Smith, James Tan - 2nd. James Burford, Alex Murchie, Jonathan Hamilton 6th. Primary X Country SeriesWell done to the huge number of our Youth athletes who represented their schools racing at the HKPSSA X country in Discovery Bay in March.
Practice AquathlonFriendly Aquathlon and Swim TT with the Open Water Swimmers of HK group on a March Sunday. Great to combine the groups together and give each other a nice push before the aquathlon and OWS session gets underway. Well done and thanks guys!
Colin Giles - 70.3 Puyuma5th place in his age group for online athlete Colin Giles in Taiwan at the Puyuma 70.3. Couple of unfortunate mechanicals in the bike, but overall a great performance considering. Onwards and upwards.
Macau 10kmWell done to Derek, Yeong, Ollie, and Karl for heading over the water for the Macau Sands 10km. Nice little weekend getaway including a race - doesn't get much better than that!
Olaf Kasten - Champion at Ironman 70.3 Puerto RicoAge group Champ and 6th overall for Olaf this month in Puerto Rico. Showing us how it's done as usual. Consistent training has paid off over many many years. He's racing full Ironman Arizona soon - hopefully we'll see him again in Kona this year.
Send Us Your Results!Now that the race seasons are in full swing please message us and tell us any results that you may have! We want to showcase athletes as much as we can - we're always so proud of everyone who puts their training into action in the form of a race!
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