This is an outstanding camp for any student athletes interested in running cross country, events in track & field, or any other sport athletes interested in improving their speed, agility, flexibility, power and explosiveness. Athletes will learn about: 1) Developing and maintaining a Running Base, 2) Running Form & Mechanics, 3) Running Safety, 4) Strength/Core Training, 5) Aerobic/Anaerobic/Speed training, 6) Injury prevention, and 7) Race Tactics.
There will be a focus on performance through enjoyment of the sport of running. The camp will be built and balanced around the group of joining athletes. Within each session there will be appropriate sub groups formed to ensure all athletes are doing age and physically appropriate training.
Athletes may join individual sessions or the full camp weeks. Week 1 - December 16th - 20th 2024 For youth athletes looking to improve their running, this camp is 6 days of technique, strength and running. The sessions will include track running, strength, and plenty of relays and Xmas themed fun! 16th - Aberdeen Track 17:00-18:15 17th - Aberdeen Track 16:45-17:55 18th - Repulse Bay - 17:00-18:15 - Beach Strength & Run 19th - Aberdeen Track 16:45-17:55 20th - Happy Valley 17:00-18:15 - Time Trial Day!
22nd Dec - Repulse Bay Beach Run Race - Whilst not part of our camp we support and encourage all our 26 families to enter the Southern District Beach Run! Please click here for the entry form and information. 7yrs + welcome, 1km+3km+5km distances. Please note we are not affiliated with this event but have had a large number of athletes joining in the past and would like continue this tradition to support this event.
Week 2 - December 30th - January 3rd 2025 For youth athletes looking to improve their running, this camp is 6 days of technique, strength and running. The sessions will include track running, strength, and plenty of relays and Xmas themed fun! 30th Dec - Happy Valley 17:00-18:15 31st Dec - Aberdeen Track 16:45-17:55 1st Jan - No Session - OWS relay swim for those who want to join - contact us 2nd Jan - Aberdeen Track 16:45-17:55 3rd Jan - Happy Valley 17:00-18:15